I am here to guide you through the powerful process of writing that sacred first draft. Doors open back up for 1:1 coaching in Fall 2023. Join the waitlist below.

Megan Febuary trauma-informed book coach


First off, I want to say how proud of you I am for finally taking that brave step to diving into your writing your book.

I’ve seen writers, both new and experienced –write memoirs, nonfiction, fiction and poetry books. Shifting doubts into confidence, resistance into routine, and fear into freedom with stories they are proud to tell. I want to help you develop your writing voice, heal through the creative process, and complete that book you’ve been talking about for years.

This book coaching is about more than just writing a book, it is about a transformation. Are you ready to awaken your voice and finally write the book you’ve been longing to?

I’m honored to support you, Megan

As a trauma-informed book coach and editor, I believe writing is one of the most powerful journeys we can take to heal our stories. With 1:1 Book Coaching, I am here to guide from start to complete first draft with brainstorming, planning, accountability, and editing as you go!


1:1 Book Coaching is my most personalized offering for writers. I work with you for six months to make sure your book idea is clear and structured with a writing schedule so that you finish your first draft complete with edits. I am a big believer that the process of writing is what helps us heal and reclaim our voice. I will be guiding you through this sacred process step by step. What’s included in our time together?

+ Eight 1:1 writing coaching calls to brainstorm, support, and keep you accountable

+ Edits and written feedback as you go to help your first draft shine

+ A writing schedule and accountability based on your human design

+ Trauma-informed writing support from an author whose been there

+ Access to my library of courses, workshops, and resources

+ Publishing and marketing consultation as needed

+ Access to me via email for all your writing questions as you go

Our work together will be a creative catalyst for your voice. I only take on a limited number of 1:1 book coaching clients a year that are serious about writing their book (I work with nonfiction and fiction genres). Sound amazing? Apply below and book your free connection call with me to see if our working together is a good fit. I look forward to meeting you!

Books from authors I have edited and coached..


You have clarity on your book idea
You have book structure and a writing plan
You have accountability from a mentor
You have a trauma-informed coach
You have edits and feedback as you write
You have a library of writing resources
You finally write your sacred first draft
You have publishing consultation as needed
And most importantly, you can finally call yourself a writer with confidence


“I had just embarked on the journey of writing a book when I came across Megan's Book Year Program. It had everything I needed as a new writer. Because of her endless guidance, kind words, gentle nudges, and boundless love and energy, I have a manuscript that is almost ready to query to agents less than a year since I started it. Thank you Megan, for being the best book coach and editor a writer could ask for.”

— Narjis Zahra

book year coaching testimonial

“If any of you have even an inkling of a desire to write, but don’t know where to start–work with Megan. As she says, you don’t have to write alone. She has been a faithful companion for the writing journey. Her wisdom, presence, and guidance has allowed me to find the courage I had or needed to write these stories.”

— Kate Sleadd

Book Year coaching testimonial

“Megan’s knowledge and expertise, particularly writing through the trauma lens, made me feel so safe that I was happy to write exactly what I needed to write. Gift yourself the opportunity of working with Megan - you’ll be glad you did!”

— Jacky Power

I work with writers ready to be changed through the process. Are you longing to make your writing dream a reality? Book your free call with me below and let’s see if working together would be a good fit.